Have you tried making your child take icky-tasting medication? Most kids do not like the appearance nor the bitter taste of medicines. But, most mass-produced medications nowadays are not child-friendly. You can expect your child to either spit out the medication or refuse to take it entirely. What can parents do?
At Harry’s Pharmacy, we want to help increase medication compliance in children. Providing pediatric compounded formulations is one of our specialties as a compounding pharmacy. We give children the option to take the necessary medicines in forms most acceptable to them. Medicines can be transformed to syrups or other forms and flavors can be added like orange, grape, strawberry, chocolate, and many more.
Medications don’t need to taste foul anymore and parents can more easily encourage young children to take the medication.
Kindly talk to our pharmacist when you call us at 609-251-4500. Ask us how you can take advantage of this service.